If you’re considering bioidentical hormone replacement therapy using hormone pellets in Arizona, the first step is talking to an experienced provider. They will walk you through the process and determine whether bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is right for you.
From there, if you decide to pursue bioidentical hormone therapy, you will go through a comprehensive blood work analysis. They will then implant the hormone pellets under the skin to consistently release small doses of estrogen and/or testosterone into your bloodstream.
The implants will remain in place for a maximum of five months and during that time they will be balancing your body’s hormones and working to improve your overall wellbeing. The following are the steps involved with the insertion of hormone pellets in Arizona.
Step 1: Comprehensive blood work analysis. If you and your provider determine that bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is the right course of treatment moving forward, you will initially undergo a comprehensive blood work analysis to determine the proper hormone levels to use. Each individual patient receives unique dosing customized to what their body needs to provide optimal treatment.
Step 2: Insertion of hormone pellets in Arizona. Once the dosing levels have been determined, hormone pellets are placed in the fatty tissue under the skin to release small doses of bioidentical hormones. The pellets are created by fusing estrogen or testosterone into small cylinders and are one of the most effective ways to deliver hormones in both men and women. The pellets are quite small, some smaller than a grain of rice, and can easily be implanted during an in-office procedure.Mmgyn.comMmgyn.com
Step 3: Steady release of bioidentical hormones. Once the pellets have been implanted, small amounts of bioidentical hormones will be released into the bloodstream over the course of the next three to five months, depending on the predetermined course of treatment.
Unlike other types of hormone therapy, using hormone pellets in Arizona provides continual therapy without the significant ups and downs experienced with some other types of hormonal therapy that can create a “roller coaster” effect from the substantial fluctuations in hormone levels, leading to extreme mood swings and changes in energy levels.
Instead, bioidentical hormone pellets in Arizona release hormones into the bloodstream 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for the recommended treatment time. The hormones are chemically identical to those produced by your body, so your body accepts them, thereby reducing the chance of adverse side effects. The pellets are pure hormone without fillers or synthetic ingredients, so by the end of the course of treatment, they are completely dissolved.
Step 4: Enhanced wellbeing and continued treatment. Throughout your treatment, you will likely begin to notice increased energy levels, enhanced mental clarity, weight loss and other positive outcomes associated with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.
To continue to benefit from these outcomes and to keep your hormones balanced, women will likely need to use pellets every 3-4 months, while men will likely need to use them every 4-5 months.
There are many conditions that may be able to be improved in women through pellet therapy. Studies have shown, improvements in menopause, depression, anxiety, low sex drive, osteoporosis, heart disease, PMS and many other conditions. If you would like to know if you are a candidate for hormone pellets in Arizona, call our office today to schedule a consultation.
Resource URL:-Mmgyn.com

Francis Burns is an avid writer from Louisiana. With a Bachelor’s in English and a background in journalism, Francis has been writing for a variety of media outlets for the last five years. He specializes in stories about the local culture and loves to fill his work with inspiring words. When not writing, Francis enjoys exploring the outdoors of Louisiana and photographing nature.