Have you ever heard your child say a word incorrectly, or repeat the same word over and over, even when they know the correct word? If so, your child might have a condition known as Auditory Processing Disorder. In this article, find out what causes it, how it works in children, and how it’s treated.
Types of Auditory Processing Disorder
Auditory processing disorder (APD) is a type of hearing impairment that affects how people process sound. It can cause problems with communication, hearing and listening, and learning. There are several types of APD, and each has its own specific symptoms.
There are three main types of APD: Selective mutism, mixed type, and pure tone-deafness. Selective mutism is the most common form of APD, and it affects around one in fifty children. Kids with selective mutism usually don’t want to talk in class or at church events because they can’t hear well enough to join in on conversations. They may also have difficulty making friends because they’re too shy to speak up. Mixed type APD affects around one in twenty kids, and these kids have trouble processing both sounds and words simultaneously. They may have trouble understanding what people are saying or figuring out where things are in a room. Pure tone-deafness is the rarest form of APD, affecting around one in ten thousand kids. These kids can’t hear any sound other than pure tones – like notes on a musical scale or beeps from machines.
There’s no one-size-fits-all
What if my child has Auditory Processing Disorder?
If your child has Auditory Processing Disorder (APD), they may have difficulty with hearing and processing sounds. This can impact their schoolwork, social life, and overall quality of life. Here are some ways to help your child cope with APD:
- Make sure your child is getting regular hearing tests. If the problem is not severe, your child may only need special glasses or earplugs to help them hear better in noisy situations. However, if the issue is more serious, then a diagnosis of APD may be necessary.
- Help your child learn to read lips. This can be especially helpful when they are eating or talking with friends. Practice makes perfect!
- Encourage physical activity and outdoor play. These activities can help improve your child’s auditory skills and mood.
- Find fun ways to involve your child in activities that require sounds, such as music, video games, and theater productions. These activities can help them learn how to process sound effectively.
How will it affect their everyday life?
Auditory processing disorder is a neurological disorder that affects how people hear and understand sound. It can cause problems with everyday communication, such as difficulty understanding directions or conversations, and may also lead to difficulties in school or work.
How can I help my child with the disorder?
If your child has Auditory Processing Disorder, you may be wondering what you can do to help. Here are some tips to get started:
- Talk to your child about the disorder. Let them know that they have a problem with hearing and that there are things they can do to help. This will help them feel understood and supported.
- Help your child find accommodations. Some accommodations your child may need include extra time for tests, special instructions during class, or headphones during listening activities. Talk with the school or care provider about what accommodations are available.
- Encourage your child to use communication tools. Help them learn how to communicate effectively by providing support and example. Teach them how to ask for help when they need it, and how to respond when others communicate differently than they do.
- Stay connected! Stay involved in your child’s education and treatment plans so you can provide the best possible support.
Treatments and solutions
Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) is a developmental disorder that affects the way people hear and process sound. It can make it difficult for kids to understand and interpret what they hear, which can lead to problems with communication, learning, and behavior.
There are two main types of APD: primary and secondary. Primary APD is characterized by difficulties from birth or early development, whereas secondary APD develops after someone has experienced difficulty with hearing but before they have had any other significant issues.
There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for APD, but various interventions can help kids improve their skills in hearing, understanding language, and interacting with others. Some of the most common treatments include speech therapy, auditory training devices, and accommodation therapy (which helps kids adapt to their environment to better meet their needs).
If you think your child may have APD, be sure to talk to your doctor or therapist about what might be causing the problem and what steps you can take to improve your child’s life.
Auditory processing disorder (APD) is a developmental disorder that affects the way children process sound. As a result, they may have difficulty understanding and communicating with others verbally, as well as experiencing difficulties with everyday tasks such as listening to instructions or participating in class discussions. While there is no cure for APD, there are treatments available that can help kids manage the condition and live normal lives. If you are concerned about your child’s auditory processing ability, talk to their doctor or pediatrician.

Francis Burns is an avid writer from Louisiana. With a Bachelor’s in English and a background in journalism, Francis has been writing for a variety of media outlets for the last five years. He specializes in stories about the local culture and loves to fill his work with inspiring words. When not writing, Francis enjoys exploring the outdoors of Louisiana and photographing nature.